The 5 Key Aspects of IQ Testing: Working Memory

IQ testing is far more than just an entrance exam. In our new blog series, "The 5 Key Aspects of IQ Testing," learn how Vanguard Head of School Elizabeth Blaetz uses more than 20 years of experience in utilizing IQ testing to better teach gifted children. The series begins with a deeper look at Working Memory and how to provide a gifted child who has low working memory with the right tools to succeed.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
The Meaning Behind Our Name

The “vanguard” is the branch of the military service that goes ahead in any military mission and prepares for the mission to be accomplished. Vanguard Gifted Academy selected that name because we feel we have moved ahead in gifted education. We have paved the way for parents of gifted children to say, wait a minute, maybe my child needs a different educational model. We're paving the way for gifted children to say, I know who I am, and I know how I learn, and I need a little bit of extra space, or I want to be engaged in something beyond what's being offered to me in a traditional model.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
Why We Love Teaching Gifted Children

The Vanguard Model fosters an authentic sense of community between teachers and students. Within this environment, students feel encouraged to take risks, reflect, tweak and try again. Read on to learn how this authenticity helps us to see amazing things start to happen!

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
Watching Gifted Kids Flourish

Perfectionism, high expectations from others, boredom and even cynicism can be common occurrences among gifted students. Understanding and working with those traits is key to helping a gifted child flourish. Read our latest blog post from our series "What is it like to educate gifted students?" and learn what watching gifted kids flourish looks like through the eyes of our Intermediate Level Master Teacher Shannon Holub.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy