What is Gifted? The effects on social relationships for gifted children

Does your child have a steady group of friends or does he struggle to make connections with their peers?

In this blog you can find more information on the importance of social relationships among gifted students and some of the effects giftedness has on those relationships.  We also share a personal story every parent needs to hear.

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What is Gifted? How to recognize the signs of a gifted child

Welcome to the Vanguard gifted Academy educational blog. I'm Elizabeth Blaetz, the head of school at Vanguard gifted Academy and one of the biggest questions that I get is, “ how do you know my kid is gifted?” 

Giftedness is asynchronous development. That's not fancy. That's not fun. That's not what everybody wants to be, but that's what giftedness is. 

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Emotional Intensity

A common discussion in a Facebook Group for parents of gifted children I follow revolves around managing high emotional intensities. As a teacher who has spent the last twenty years working in gifted education, I also have first hand experience dealing with this component of a gifted child’s make up.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
Education For Life

What are your children learning in school? Does it relate to items in the news? Does it offer food for thought? Are they developing engineering minds? Do they engage in challenges that require persistence? These are the kind of educational experiences that last a lifetime.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy