Further Resources

This list of resources offers a wealth of information to parents of gifted children in the form of websites, blogs, and books from authors and authorities that are deeply entrenched in the world of gifted education. We encourage you to look into some of the resources for helpful tips and insight!


When Gifted Kids Don’t Have All the
by Judy Galbraith,
James R. Delisle, Ph.D.

The Gifted Teen Survival Guide
by Judy Galbraith, James R. Delisle, Ph.D.

Parents' Guide to IQ Testing and
Gifted Education
by David Palmer,

Keys to Parenting the Gifted Child by
Sylvia Rimm, Ph.D.

The Over-Scheduled Child: Avoiding
the Hyper-Parenting Trap
by Alvin
Rosenfeld, MD and Nicole Wise

Understanding Your Gifted Child
from the Inside Out
by James R. Delisle, Ph.D.

Perfectionism: What's Bad About
Being Too Good?
by Miriam
Adderholdt-Elliot, Ph.D.

Raising a Gifted Child: A Parenting
Success Handbook
by Carol Fertig

The Survival Guide for Parents of
Gifted Kids
by Sally Y. Walker

Emotional Intensity in Gifted
Students: Helping Kids Cope with
Explosive Feelings
by Christine

Parenting Gifted Kids by James R. Delisle, Ph.D.

Your Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober

5 Levels of Gifted by Deborah L. Ruf

Being Smart about Gifted Learning by Dr. Dona Matthews and Dr. Joanne Foster