Where gifted children take root, blossom, and soar

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Vanguard Gifted Academy

Designed for Your Gifted Child

Gifted children are complex individuals who are often:

Intellectually curious Inspired by learning

Eager to contribute to the community

Interested in problem-solving

Think conceptually Open to new lines of thinking

Vanguard is

a perfect fit for gifted students who delve deeply into areas they are passionate about, like to work at their own pace, love working on projects, and are eager to solve problems.

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Latest Blogs

The world is changing at an exponential rate

Our forward-thinking model empowers gifted children in a way that traditional schools simply can’t. Vanguard’s model, informed by the latest global educational and business observations, consists of 3 extended modules, as opposed to 8 standard class periods. This allows students to truly engage with their learning and make deep connections.

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