What does giftedness look like?

The young gifted child may appear to be many ages at once. He may be eight (his chronological age) when riding a bicycle, twelve when playing chess, fifteen when studying algebra, ten when collecting fossils and two when asked to share his chocolate chip cookie with his sister. This variability in behavior and perception is difficult for parents and schools to handle and difficult for the child as well. It is hard to “fit in” consistently when so much of the child’s environment is structured by chronological age, an age which may be for the gifted child the least relevant aspect of his development.
— Stephanie S. Tolan, “Giftedness As Asynchronous Development”, Tip Network News
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Consider Your Child’s Traits

All parents want to make the right choices for their children. A checklist is available for download to help you see qualities that may indicate your child is gifted. Gifted children will not show all of these qualities, but, if you note many of the qualities in your child, it is likely he or she will benefit from a gifted education. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Get the Gifted Checklist

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Dispelling the myths around gifted education

How often have you heard “gifted students will do fine on their own”? This is just one of the many myths that becomes a barrier to properly educating millions of high-potential students.

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