Disability Awarness

In this blog, Elizabeth Blaetz interviews students Javeria and Talha. They share their experiences learning about disabilities using the STREAM model.

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Guest User

In this blog, Elizabeth Blaetz explores the subjects and activities that incorporate Vanguard’s use of the elevated STEM approach called STREAM.

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Creativity, critical thinking, communication and character are all vital for our community of learners. Our blog series on educating children for the future wraps up with how Vanguard promotes learning across the board.

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Authentic learning communities foster a community-oriented platform that is critical to teaching character in the classroom. Read on to learn how Vanguard achieves this distinction.

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Communication aptitude has always been a central focus of education, but the need to communicate on a global scale is causing a seismic shift in education. Dr. Judy Jankowski offers perspective on the changes occurring within education.

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Critical thinking skills lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving, innovation and creativity. Elizabeth Blaetz elaborates on this crucial aspect of educating children for the future.

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The 6 C's and STEM Learning

If you want your children to be prepared with the 6 Cs for the future: think critically, communicate clearly, work collaboratively, develop creativity, build good character, and appreciate community; enroll them in a school with a strong STEM program. At Vanguard Gifted Academy, we offer STEM plus.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy

Creativity is vital to entrepreneurship and our kids' ability to compete in the global future, so why is mainstream education focused on teaching to a test? Dr. Judy Jankowski, Head of School at Chesapeake Bay Academy, elaborates.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy

Award-winning speaker, author and professor Dr. Yong Zhao helps us launch our new blog series, "Educating Children for the Future," by sharing his perspective on the need for a paradigm shift in modern education. image credit KU Today

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
Vanguard's Unique School Model

Combining a two-component school day with mixed-age learning groups allows us to tailor the gifted education experience for each child in our school. Read the final blog in our series "Selecting the Best School for Your Gifted Child" to learn more about our unique school model.

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Vanguard Gifted Academy
How Independent Schools Teach Gifted Children

"Those on the outside widely believe that people build and attend independent schools or private schools to set themselves apart, but, in the world of gifted education, it is exactly the opposite." Learn how independent schools bring people together from Vanguard Intermediate Level Master Teacher Shannon Holub.

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